Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hujan hari-hari hujan...

It's been raining heavily for one whole day not to mention every day before. So??? Besides the weather turns to "winter" which my favourite season - the cold and the rain...Tidur pun sodap ni...err Monkey Icons YoyoOkay. My lecturer told me that if it's continue for 3 days, then we might face the flood again.

Since today's class at 3.30PM had been cancelled, me and my friends decided to buy some food as a preparation. I hope what happened last semester will not happen again. Final exam is just around the corner. I don't want to be stuck in this small town. I don't want to think about not being able to go back home if flood does happen.

Oh, the rain had stop. For now, I think. Gotta go. Need to finish my mandarin speech for public speaking tomorrow..urgh.Monkey Emoticon


Ummi said...

OMG!!! Not again...Ya Allah, berikanlah keselesaaan di saat-saat anak ku akan menghadapi peperiksaan akhir semesternya...semoga dia dan seluruh pelajar lain di sekitarnya selamat dalam situasi sebegini...Engkau jauhkanlah mereka dari musibah yang teruk....amiiin..amiiinnn, Ya Robbal 'Alamin...

*Kakngah, moga selamat sampai ke Gombak and drive safely k...

Miss Vamp said...

Amin...harap2 xbnjir teruk..penat dh pk psal bnjir ni..huhu

slmat smpai pkul 11mlm td.. =)