Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mis Tres Hermanas - The End


The story has ended today. From the website that I mentioned before, it began May 12, 2010. It means that, it took 6 MONTHS!! - minus weekends. I don't have to say about the ending. Of course it has happy ending. All the siblings - Augusto, Silvia, Lisa, and Beatriz - had accepted their father, Jacinto Estrada/Jaime Contreras. Augusto, Lisa, and Beatriz got married on the same day. Okay, I just summarize today's episode:

Lisa, of course, finally married to Santiago Ortega. They went for a honeymoon at the same place that they've been before. They took care of Santiago's son - with Margarita - and finally having their own daughter.

Augusto had married to Barbara Solis. He had forgiven Anibal since Anibal seems to have a mental problem. Anibal and her mother, Sofia went to Europe. Sofia wanted her son to have a peaceful and stable life.

Beatriz and Francisco also got married on the same day with Lisa and Augusto after received Augusto's permission - since she's under age - and blessing.

Silvia and Carlos ended up together. Their twins - Aurora and Alicia - had grown up and they had another kids. ^^,

Last but not least, the most important character that messed make up the story is Margarita. She left her son and ran away. She met an old, rich man, flirt with him and his assistant (don't remember his name), but married to that old man. The old man died and she took over his wealth. She married the assistant on a cruise but not knowing that the guy was a bad guy. He killed Margarita, finally, and took over the property - the reason he married Margarita - that he wanted.

I don't know what story will replace Mis Tres Hermanas. I hope it's one of my favorite telenovela.=)

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